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the first step towards change is ambition

Sexual assault, mental health, and alcohol over-consumption are sensitive yet extremely prevalent topics at Miami University. From personal experience and our involvement in initiating change on campus, we can ensure that not only is our time at Miami University the greatest four years, but it is also the safest. To read more about our goals concerning student safety, click below.

All of us call Oxford home and believe it to be a special place. That being said, we believe that improvements can always be made. As executive members of student organizations and members of Associated Student Government, we are committed to addressing issues such as the meal plan, student organization funding, and matters concerning both on and off campus students. To read more about our goals concerning student life and wellness, click below.

For us, "diversity" and "inclusion" are not just buzzwords. The principles of equality and inclusion must reverberate soundly and clearly at Miami University. Challenges lie before us as we continue to diversify the student body and culture in which we live. Contentment is not possible until marginalized students find their place at Miami. To read more about our goals concerning diversity and inclusion, click below.

vote march 12th & 13th

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